Tagged: esphome

Apollo Automation MSR-2 0

Apollo MSR-2 mmWave Multisensor For Home Assistant

Recently, Apollo Automation reached out to us with an exciting opportunity to test some of their products. They generously provided the MSR-2, MTR-1, and AIR-1, along with several accessories. The Apollo Automation MSR-2, a mmWave Multisensor for Home Assistant, is an advanced iteration of the...

Louder Esparagus 0

Louder Esparagus Media Center, a Class-D esp32 based amplifier

After evaluating Sonocotta’s ‘Louder ESP32‘, the company kindly sent us their ‘Louder Esparagus’ to check out. This gadget is basically a feature-packed, boxed variant of the Louder ESP32. With it’s highly capable TAS5805M DAC, the Louder Esparagus aims to sync seamlessly with mid- to large-scale...


Louder ESP32, a Hi-Fi Class-D audio amplifier running ESPHome!

While scouring the internet in search of an ESP32 amplifier capable of running ESPHome firmware, I discovered the Louder ESP32. This neat unit comprises an external I2S DAC, perfectly able to drive full-sized speakers, and a PSRAM chip. This pairing furnishes the compact ESP32 module...


ET-P1101 – A DIY ESPHome Panasonic Climate interface

This version is outdated: Please check: www.ingeniousmakers.com/p11 for a updated version! Getting the Panasonic Climate control off the cloud Back in August 2021 we published an article about an esphome component for a esp32 or esp8266 based airconditioning/Climate Wifi interface. A great way to get...


ET-SM01 – DIY DSMR P1 smart meter

Introduction In the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Sweden Residential Smart Electricity Meters comply to DSMR (Dutch Smart Meter Requirements), also known as ‘Smart Meter’ or ‘P1 port’ which supports plain non encrypted telegrams and also encrypted telegrams as used in Luxembourg. This hardware sends the...


ESPHome Underflooor heating Pump Switch – ET-PS01

Introduction As electricity is so damn expensive in Europe now and my (2) underfloor heating pumps are constantly consuming more than 40 Watt each, I wanted to find a smarter solution for that. While browsing the internet of course it turned out there are existing...

NSPanel Lovelace UI 14

NSpanel Lovelace UI for Home Assistant

Preface About 10 months ago Sonoff send us the and thereafter we published our first impressions. The product was not entirely new and innovative, as there where Nextion Touch displays and 2-gang wall switches readily available, but the NSpanel combines both in a nice package...

ESPHome 2022.6.0 0

ESPHome 2022.6.0 released!

Yesterday ESPHome released version 2022.6.0, another small but interesting release, as it now supports Media Player functionality for the esp32 using the internal DAC as well as an external DAC. 🎶🎶🎶 Great Stuff! 🎶🎶🎶 There is also support for the SGP41, which is now merged...

ESPHome 2022.5.0 0

ESPHome 2022.5.0 has just been released!

ESPhome finally has official support for the BL09-39 which is responsible for power measurement in the Sonoff Dual R3 v2. Other changes are the new BedJet BLE climate component, Delonghi Penguino PAC W120HP ir support, SML (Smart Message Language) platform for energy meters, the ENS210 Humidity & Temperature sensor component and support for the Sen5x sensor series.

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