Category: Projects


ET-P1101 – A DIY ESPHome Panasonic Climate interface

This version is outdated: Please check: for a updated version! Getting the Panasonic Climate control off the cloud Back in August 2021 we published an article about an esphome component for a esp32 or esp8266 based airconditioning/Climate Wifi interface. A great way to get...


ET-SM01 – DIY DSMR P1 smart meter

Introduction In the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Sweden Residential Smart Electricity Meters comply to DSMR (Dutch Smart Meter Requirements), also known as ‘Smart Meter’ or ‘P1 port’ which supports plain non encrypted telegrams and also encrypted telegrams as used in Luxembourg. This hardware sends the...


ESPHome Underflooor heating Pump Switch – ET-PS01

Introduction As electricity is so damn expensive in Europe now and my (2) underfloor heating pumps are constantly consuming more than 40 Watt each, I wanted to find a smarter solution for that. While browsing the internet of course it turned out there are existing...


ET-SW01 – A very low consumption mailbox sensor

Introduction With the amount of online shopping happening, which only became more during the Covid-19 pandemic, it would be handy to know when you receive something in your mailbox. Monitoring your mailbox with a remote switch using Home Assistant will come in handy. There are...

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ET-GC01 / ET-GC02 – Geiger counter

Introduction As with many designs, there is something which triggers the creation. As part of a bigger design, which will be published in the future, we created a small geiger counter module which can be connected to all of our designs. Now with the current... ET-AD01 0

4 channel Analog input/digital in/out controller- ET-AD01

Introduction The ET-AD01 is 4 channel Analog input / 4 channel digital in/out controller. As mentioned in one of our previous blog posts, a design idea is sparked in several ways. In this case the design originated from a question from a friend who...


4 channel Digital LED controller – ET-DL01

Introduction Our previous design, the ET-AL01 Analog LED controller, was designed to control the regular “Analog” (RGB) LED strips. These strips are easy in use, but due to the way they work, the whole strip will emit the same color. There are RGB LED strips...


5 channel Analog LED controller – ET-AL01

Introduction Michel asked me to design an analog LED controller with 5 channels, since he wanted to be able to control a nice LED strip with an RGB LED and a warm white and cool white LED (Like Philips Hue). When searching the internet he could...

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